Saturday, April 21, 2007

Movie and more

Well, it's been a couple of days since I've blogged. I must first say this is due to a personal emergency. I have some on going health problems with my heart, congenital conditions, and they recently landed me in the hospital. I am now catching up with everything. I am fine, just a major scare.

I watched Erin Brokovich for this weeks movie assignment. This is a great film that really shows realistic conflicts between people and within Erin's life. The conflicts were very realistic. Erin faced many, many challenges as a single mother. Her constant challenges to take care of her children, find work, and maintain her job with inadequate access to resources are very real challenges for any single, working mother. The conflicts of the residents of Hinkley were also very realistic. They were faced with decisions and the realisation that they had been lied to by the company who they had assumed was helping them. The conflicts of attempting to understand what their choices were and what the best course of action was for them were very real. I really do not feel I would have handled the challenges any differently or better. I would perhaps been a bit more personable then Erin was at some points during the film. She tended to be a bit to "real" sometimes such as using inappropriate language in the courtroom during her car accident trial or wearing inappropriate clothing, but, this attitude also helped her win the residents of Hinkley and helped them understand what was going on.

I also attempted, again, to take the EQ assessment. I was again frustrated by this experience! After nearly finishing the assessment, I was redirected to the sites home page and my test and results never appeared! Did anyone else have this problem??

Well, after getting some rest and I will now be moving forward with my group work and week 3.


Brenda said...

glad to hear that everything is ok!

PrettyTony31 said...

I'm glad to hear that you're ok enough to even want to do schoolwork.

You are a better person than me!
